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Hoping and Praying It Will All Go Away
Citation:   english. "Hoping and Praying It Will All Go Away: An Experience with Crack (exp11390)". Apr 16, 2018.

  repeated smoked Crack
I am 23 soon to be 24 I have two beatiful children a three year old girl and a 6 month old boy. I started smoking in Sept. of 2001 I enjoyed It for awhile then It got to the point of not paying my bills having no food in the house and not paying my car note for two months in a row. I feel that this drug is nothing but the devil it's a drug that I just keep wanting more and more just to feel that high. I have pawned alot of my things and I have stolen from many people. In the process of this all I lost my daughter not to the state but with a family member, which I should be thankful for but at the same time I want her to be home, but this drug as taken over my mind and body I don't have the patience or the energy to take care of my daughter. If I can do it all again I would have never touch the stuff it's not worth it I'm not only hurting myself but I'm hurting my kid's and family. It's not worth losing your kid's family, friends, time energy and weight over there is more to life than just drugs that is something I have to tell myself everyday, because if I don't I might just give up and end it all, but I know my kid's need me and I need them. I'm so tired of smoking crack that I cry almost every day.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11390
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2018Views: 3,477
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Crack (82) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Families (41), Relationships (44), Not Applicable (38)

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