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What Qualifies as a Drug?
Families & Psychoactives
by MC
Citation:   MC. "What Qualifies as a Drug?: An Experience with Families & Psychoactives (exp18285)". Oct 18, 2002.

I have two daughters who are now 24 and 22 years old. I have always been very open with them about drug use, though the topic did not arise until their teens. I don't believe that we ever sat down and talked about 'drugs', per se, mainly because I'm not sure what qualifies as 'a drug'. On the other hand, we have discussed specific materials (such as Cannabis, Psilocybe mushrooms, LSD and opiates) in detail. My elder daughter has never taken any psychoactive other than alcohol but the younger one smokes cannabis infrequently and has taken psychedelics four times (three times with me, once with her boyfriend).

For more discussion about families, see the Families & Psychoactives Vault

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18285
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2002Views: 20,288
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Families (661) : Not Applicable (38), Families (41)

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