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Stronger than Caffeine -- Yohimbe
Citation:   Divalion. "Stronger than Caffeine -- Yohimbe: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp4708)". Jan 19, 2001.

225 mg oral Yohimbe (pill / tablet)
Well, I'm always curious about natural herbs and highs, so I decided to experiment with yohimbe bark. I didn't expect much, most reports I heard were vague and unhelpful. So I took 2 tablets, each containing 112.5mg yohimbe bark (or 8mg yohimbimine) at around 9:00 pm. I sat down at my computer and started chatting with my friends.

I got so involved in conversation I had completly forgotten about the yohimbe. Then around 9:30 I began to feel cold, which I thought was strange since I was pretty bundled up. Soon after I began shaking violently. I thought I was getting sick or something, and I put on more clothes. Then I began sweating and just generally felt like I was on speed or a megadose or caffeine or ephedra. At this point I remembered about the yohimbe!

I also noted a slight discomfort of the stomach, but nearly as bad as I had heard others complain about from taking the herb. The extreme hyperactivity lasted about an hour, and after that I began to enjoy it a bit more. I put on some trance music and just kinda rocked out by myself, having a generally good time.

Well, at about 2:00am I decided I should probably go to sleep, so I went to bed. I layed in bed for over two hours, then said screw it and came back to the computer. its now almost 6:00 in the morning, and I don't feel the least bit tired.

This herb certainly has its time and place. I'll definitely use it again, maybe I'll try a smaller dose in a different setting.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2001Views: 33,288
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